Monday, February 3, 2014

How Instagram your wedding!

Do you  ?

With technology trending and getting bigger and bigger each day its growing faster than we can keep up with it!

Trending at the moment is using #hashtags and Instagram to share and collect photos of your wedding day!!

Since everyone has smart phones now a days, what a better way to share all of your Wedding photos with everyone! It is also a great way of sharing your Wedding photos without them being plastered all of Facebook and clogging news feeds!!

So heres how:

1. Create a hashtag. This will allow you find your photos on Instagram. Type your hashtag into Google to make sure its not already in use as you want it to be original and easy to remember (short is best). Something like #edwardswedding

2. Have a sign on display that reads something like: “If you Instagram, use hashtag #yourhashtag.” It can be something as simple as a chalkboard sign.

 3. Include the hashtag in your wedding program, or give out cards with the hashtag.

4. Have a sign at each table reminding guests about which hashtag to use. 

5. Run a slideshow of the Instagram photos at your wedding reception with your hashtag by using the Evenstagram app.

6. After the wedding, remind your guests about the hashtag via social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter etc.)

7. Let your guests see all the photos online post-wedding by creating a slideshow with Statigram.

8. Print your Instagram photos using Printsagram. You can have your photos turned into mini books, calenders or posters. Due to Instagram copyright restrictions, you will not be able to print your guests’ photos. To get around this, simply have your guests email you the original files of the photos that you want to print

Have fun Instagramming!

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